About us

Heike Hajari Strombach

1.Chairwoman for RBI Germany and international coordinator for RBI

Trained as geriatric nurse, educatior and nursing instructor now
Breathwork teacher/ Rebirther, Seminar leader and Reikimaster.

Since 1991 I work and study with Leonard Orr, founder of Rebirthing
breathing technique and one of the great philosophers of physical
immortality and the inspiration for the new age. A living master.
This work takes me on a regular basis around the world. Since 1992 I
have led countless trainings in the United States and around this
beautiful planet.
In 1994 we founded the breath and life center Klaswipper and 1998 RBI Germany.
My spiritual path has been taking me to many places that inspire me.
In over ten visits to India I am amazed about the combination of
holiness and uglyness that is unmatched in this world. I love this
amazing place.
I practise daily the practises with air, earth, water and fire and am
conscious of my thoughts more and more. The quality of my life has
improved so much, I am deeply grateful for all.
Looking forward meeting you.

I live what I teach.

Breath and Life center
Klaswipper 30
51688 Wipperführt
Tel.: +49 2269/528

eppinger Mara Eppinger
2. Chaiwoman

Tel.: 0151 15 200 130



Harry Wache




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