Translation follows!
Heike was born in 1958, and
raised in the country near Cologne in Germany.
In 1979 she
trained in geriatric nursing care, and worked many years in
psychiatric hospitals and geriatric care. To continue her
searching for deeper understanding, she studied to become a
teacher for nursing care and trained nurses till 1989, till
she left Germany because of love to live in Australia for a
Since 1991 she is working and studying with Leonard Orr,
the founding father of Rebirthing. For many years she became
the training center manager of Leonard Orr’s international
training center for Rebirthing in the USA. Leonard, who is a
master in personal growth and transformation, became her
mentor and friend. |
Healing herself to become a happy, conscious and divine
human being, is bringing her continuous insides into life.
Rebirthing became her passion, being able to support people
to transform their life. She is rebirthing herself regularly
every day, and practices what she preaches.She is
traveling extensively around the world teaching Rebirthing
breath work and spiritual purification, often accompanying
Leonard. She has worked on all continents, many times in
Brazil, training successfully Rebirthers. Since 1994 she as
well has a training center for Rebirthing in Germany, near
Cologne and organizes and leads there regularly seminars, as
well as inviting Leonard to Germany every year.
In 1996 she foundet together with other Rebirthers Rebirth
International e. V. in Germany and is the president of this
organization for Rebirthing. A German newsletter is
regularly distributed.
She became a Reikimaster in 1993 und uses different
healing modalities. Since 1998 she uses the technique of
family constellation, to bring light and healing into our
family history. Her extensive study of human psychology
enables her to lead seminars on many different subjects, for
example mind mastery and spiritual psychology, Intuition,
self healing, personal growth, self esteem and success, goal
setting, loving relationships, the eight biggis, spiritual
enlightenment, physical and emotional healing, inner child
work, physical immortality, healing the death urge,
emotional energy pollution, dependency and codependency,
competition and cooperation
Prosperity consciousness and building successful ones
clientele, successful self-employment, Vision quest, warm
and coldwater Rebirthing, just to name a few.
Her repertoire grows as she continuously growth.
Mantra yoga, Om namaha shivaiya, helps to clear her mind and
soul, devotion to God is a part of her daily life.
She now lives in Germany in her house and centre as her
Heike Strombach Klaswipper 30 51688 Wipperfürth
Tel fax 0049 (0) 2269 - 528