Leonard Orr 2016
only in the USA
9-day breathing training & the 3-week professional training for Rebirther
July 2nd – 23rd 2106
October 1st – 22nd 2016
Leonard Orr and Heike Strombach
with German translation
Since Leonard this year has plant no trip to Europe , we instead fly to him in the United States, Virginia.
Leonard plans to do intense fasting in 2016
and we are commited to support him through this year finacially, so he can relax.
For all his life changing wonderful contributions to the world,
please support our goal!
contact me or Leonard for more details!
Om namaha shivaiya
In Wahrheit, Einfachheit und Liebe
Truth, simplicity and love
Verdade, simplicidade e amor
www.rebirthinternational.de / www.physische-unsterblichkeit.d