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·         Zitat des Monats/Quote of the month

·         RBI News von Heike/RBI News from Heike

·         Leonard Orr  Ärger und Wut: Leonard Orr anger and rage

·         Training Leonard Orr 30.8 .- 07.September 2008 /  Training Leonard Orr 30.08. - 7.09.2008

·          Vegetarisch leben von Silvie

·         Termine, Infos und Namen / Dates, Infos, Names

·         Information Atem und Lebenszentrum /

BILINGUAL   Zweisprachig     BILINGUAL Zweisprachig         BILINGUAL   Zweisprachig     BILINGUAL Zweisprachig 

Lieber Freunde

wir wünschen Euch viel Spaß beim Lesen unserer News. Wir freuen uns immer über Rückmeldung

Der friends,

have fun reading our news. We appreachiate all feed back!


Love Heike


Zitat des Monats

Om namaha shivaiya  

Om namaha shivaiya

Om namaha shivaiya

Quote of the month

Om namaha shivaiya

Om namaha shivaiya

Om namaha shivaiya

RBI News von Heike

liebe Freunde
Procrastination: das Hinausschieben von Dingen, die  getan werden müssen und und dann dadurch Druck und Dringlichkeit entstehen.

Das ist das Thema mit dem viele von uns zu tun haben. Alle die ihre Lebensmission ernst nehmen, und auch die, die sie noch nicht gefunden haben.
Diesen Artikel über Ärger und Wut von Leonard zu übersetzen damit ich endlich die News rausschiken kann, 2 Monate zu spät ist ein solches Kapitel für mich.
Ihn zu übersetzen hat bei mir viel Heilung bewirkt und da er immer noch nicht ganz fertig ist, kommt wohl noch mehr davon, von der Heilung nicht der Wut, so hoffe ich.

Dringlichkeit hat immer mit der Angst zu tun,  Liebe zu verlieren und ist immer mit Ärger verbunden, durfte ich dort übersetzen.
Nun wer mich und meine Dringlichkeit kannte, und auch seine eigene ( denn ich glaube ich kenne kaum jemand ohne diesen Druck) kann ein Lied davon singen.

In den 2  1/2 Monaten in den USa bin ich mit einiger Wut in Berührung gekommeen, aber auch mit ganz tiefer Liebe und Ruhe und Dankbarkeit für die Geduld meiner Freunde und wieder einmal von Leonard.

Ich habe mich dann entschieden ja zu sagen zum Leben. Auch wenn ich dachte, das ich das doch schon getan hätte, wurde mir doch klar wie oft ich nein sage.
Zu  äusseren Umständen, zu anderern Menschen, zur Liebe.

Und als ich dann ja sagte, ach wie erstaunlich floss alles viel einfachher.

Naja, die Theorie kennen wir ja alle von dieser Weisheit. Aber sagen wir wirklich ja zu uns, zu unseren Liebe, zu äusseren Umständen?
Diese tiefe Erkenntnis kam wie ein augenöffnende Erfahrung der Erleuchtung, damit verbunden Heilung von tiefer Verletzung und Verlusten in meinem Leben.

Das Wissen ist bei mir geblieben und nicht wie so oft wieder m Alltag untergegangen.
Nun kann ich noch besser über mich lachen und meine Geduld und Liebe für andere ist noch grösser geworden.

In diesem Sinne erfreut euch an dem Artikel und der News
Leonard und ich sind nun in den nächsten 3 Monaten in Europa unterwegs, wir sind gerade aus Estland wieder  gekommen.

Es gibt noch Plätze im Training vom 30.8 bis 7.9 !! 
Es wird eine internationale Gruppe mit teilnehmern z,Baus Litauen, Ungarn, Kroatien und Deutschland, 

Liebe , Einfachheit und Wahrheit

Eure Heike 


 Dear friends

Procrastination is the delaying of work that needs to be done, and this creating urgency and pressure. This is a topic whith which many of us are dealing.

Everybody who takes their lifes mission serious, but also everybody else that I know.

To translate this article on anger and rage to send out the news has become a matter of urgency for me, now 2 month late. This translation has providet me with alot of healing, and as far as it is not done jet, there is more to come.Healing - not rage, we hope.

Urgency always has to do with the fear of loosing love, I was translating.


And everybody who knows me, and and my urgency, and your own urgency, knows what I am talking about. In the last 2 1/2 month in the US at Leonards center I got in touch with some rage and also with deep love, peace and healing, and I am grateful for the patience of my friends and again specially Leonards.

I decided to say YES to life. I thought that I had already done so, but I realised how often I have said no to life, people and circumstances and Love.

Since I said yes, o wonder, all is more in the flow.

We all know the theory, but to really experience that shift gave me an experience of enlightenment, connected with deep healing of loss and fear in my life

This wisdom has now stayed with me and made me even more loving and patient with people. I can laugh about myself more and love myself more

So enjoy the news, have fun

Leonard and I are on our Training tour through Europe now for 3 month, we just returned from Estonia.

There is still space in out training from the 30.August till the 7th of September. We have different people from Lithuania, Hungary, England and Germany. It will be a fun group

Lots of love





Ärger und Wut


Von Leonard Orr


Jeder von uns hat Tonen und Tonen an Ärger und Wut, Angst und Dringlichkeit irgendwo in unserem emotionalen Körper,  in unserer Seele,  gespeichert. Wir können dies nur Heilen, wenn wir uns in unserem eigenen Verstand und mit unserem Gefühlen sicher fühlen. Wir müssen uns sicher fühlen, um sie uns anzusehen, darüber nachzudenken, und unsere eigene Wut, unseren Ärger, Angst und Dringlichkeit zu fühlen.


Manchmal müssen wir das Objekt von Unrecht, von Missbrauch,  von schlechter Behandlung usw. sein, um damit in Berührung zu kommen und es zu fühlen - durch die Verletzung unserer Gefühle. 


Zu anderen Zeiten kann es aus unserem Unterbewusstsein in unser Bewusstsein in Lagen oder Wellen von Wut und Ärger ohne Provokation kommen. Wir können ohne Grund ärgerlich sein, so wie wir auch manchmal ohne Grund glücklich sein können.

Der Verstand ist kompliziert und die Wahrheit ist einfach.

Der Verstand ist das komplizierteste  Ding auf der Erde. Der Verstand – der Teil unserer Seele der Gefühle, Glauben, Doktrin, Gewohnheiten und Gedanken ansammelt, kann ein unendlicher Haufen an Müll sein.

In dem gleichen Haufen können Werte, wunderschöne Erinnerungen, schöne Gedanken und gesunde Gefühle sein. Diese verwirrende Ansammlung ist es, was unseren Verstand so kompliziert macht.

Wir können einen Tag völlig überwältigt sein von Frieden, Liebe, Freude, produktiver Energie, Weisheit und Verzauberung, und am nächsten Tag von Ärger, Angst, Dummheit, Depression und irrationalen Projektionen. Unglücklicherweise ist dies auch wahr für die Menschen um uns herum.


Wir können hin und her pendeln zwischen Dunkelheit und Licht am gleichen Tag.

Aber die Wahrheit bleibt die gleiche und einfach und klar: Energie, Geist, Gedanken, Verstand, Form und Körper.


Ohne etwas dabei – rein und einfach.

Das Ziel spiritueller Befreiung ist all diese Komplexitäten zu klären und die Schönheit, Klarheit, Liebe und die Weisheit des Lebens in Menschen immer und überall zu sehen. Wir können immer die Wahrheit sehen - rein und einfach.


Auf meine eigene Geschichte der Heilung zurückblickend und die von Millionen von anderen, scheint diese Ansammlung von Wut, Ärger, Angst und Dringlichkeit immer in vergangenen Leben ihre Wurzeln zu haben.


Ich habe mich in den letzten 1 ½ Jahren in meinem eigenen Heilungsprozess  und in meinen Trainings auf die Therapie vergangener Leben konzentriert, da es funktioniert. Die Therapie vergangener Leben ist manchmal der direkte Weg ein Problem zu lösen.

Es scheint nun an einem Punkt anzukommen, wo ich die Tonen an Gefühlen vergangener Leben  fühlen kann, und mich durch sie durch arbeiten und sie auflösen kann, ohne detaillierten historischen Inhalt.

Ich kann sie durch Atmen in der Badewanne oder während ich mit einem Feuer sitze auflösen.

Wir können nur die generelle Intuition haben:  ‘Oh! Das kommt aus einem vergangenen Leben und es einfach auflösen.

Wie Freud sagte, das Unbewusste ist nur Erinnerung, vergessene Erinnerungen.

Die Therapie vergangener Leben ist sich an alte Erinnerungen zu erinnern und sie aufzulösen. Dies passiert natürlich spontan in Rebirthing Atemsitzungen, ob wir einen spezifischen Inhalt haben oder nicht.

Dies ist manchmal der Wert und auch manchmal die Enttäuschung in Atemsitzungen. Ein vollendeter Atemzyklus kann alles Mögliche auflösen, als Energiekonzentrationen im Solar Plexus oder irgendwo im Körper ohne Inhalt oder Bilder – nur vage Gefühle und die Auflösung. Diese Auflösung ist oft ein körperlicher Schauer, der sich gut anfühlt  Aber unser intellektueller Verstand ist neugierig und möchte manchmal einen vollständigen Film der Erfahrung dieses vergangenen Lebens, die sich auflöst.

Manche Leute ziehen es vor, dies mit dem Widererleben des Dramas – selbst dem Terror des Vergangenen Lebens – zu tun, und haben gerne die spirituelle Darmentleerung.

Dann können sie die neue Freiheit fühlen, und mit ihrem Leben in der Gegenwart vorwärts gehen.

Heute haben viele Menschen so geschäftige, interessante Leben, das sie nicht länger sich von der Vergangenheit unterhalten lassen müssen, diesen Schmerzen, den Hindernissen, selbst Krankheiten, so das wir im Himmel auf Erden leben können.

Der Inhalt ist nicht wichtig in unserem Prozess des Auflösens.

Wenn wir unsterblich sind, brauchen wir etwas, was wir mit unserer Zeit tun, und so ist es gut dass wir geschäftige, produktive Leben haben.


Auf der anderen Seit hatte ich heute soviel Wut, dass es mich aufhielt. Als ich es in meinem Bad am Morgen fühlte, war die Energiekonzentration so schwer, das ich  mir dachte, dass ich flexible sein sollte, und es heute mir leicht mache- deshalb schreibe ich jetzt. Ich fühle mich unsicher in meinem eigenen Verstand. Es fühlt sich gut an, mir Zeit zu nehmen in der Mitte meines Tages  um dies zu schreiben. Und ich habe hunderte anderer Dinge zu tun.

Als ich die ganze Schwere fühlte, war es zuviel um in einer Sitzung aufzulösen. Wie dem auch sei, als ich mich weiter der Energiekonzentration hingab und den verbundenen Atemrhythmus ausführte, löste es sich auf und ich war in Klarheit und Verzauberung. Es ist erstaunlich, wie etwas so schmerzhaft und störend sein kann, aber wenn wir es auflösen, werden wir so klar, dass wir uns nicht mal erinnern können, was uns störte.

Zweimal am Tag in der Badewanne zu atmen ist eine wertvolle Disziplin. Und ich reibe meine Haut mit Olivenöl – oder Kokosnussöl nach jedem Bad ein. Ich liebe es auch, wenn eine schöne Frau mit guter Energie da ist, um das Öl aufzutragen.




Angst ist die andere Seite der Münze von Ärger. Und beides, die Angst wie der Ärger bringt uns in Dringlichkeit. Wenn wir zu sehr beschäftigt sind, dann ist diese Geschäftigkeit immer motiviert oder begleitet von Dringlichkeit.

Wenn wir das Muster der Dringlichkeit verstehen und die neue Gewohnheit schaffen, uns in der Mitte davon zu entspannen, und uns einfach erlauben dieses Gefühl der Dringlichkeit zu fühlen, geschieht erstaunliches.

So viele Male hat das Ausüben dieser neuen Gewohnheit, mich für meinen nächsten Termin verspätet, aber zu meiner großen Erleichterung finde ich dann, das die andere Person, oder die Gruppe von Leuten später dran sind als ich. Wenn die andere Person pünktlich war, dann entschuldige ich mich edel und alles geht seinen perfekten Gang, da ich das Gefühl der Dringlichkeit auflöse, und es keinen Anhalt gibt, um die andere Person aufzuregen.

Dringlichkeit ist die Angst vor Missbilligung, die Angst etwas zu verpassen, Angst eine Chance zu verpassen jemanden zu lieben, ihnen etwas zu geben, oder zu dienen, oder die Chance Liebe zu bekommen zu verpassen.

Aber wenn wir die Energie klären, wird alles viel schöner für alle Beteiligten.

Dringlichkeit kann von Angst hervorgerufen werden, und mit Ärger und Wut vermischt sein.
Wir haben so viel Angst, wir haben uns selbst durch Krankheit und Fehler seit tausenden von Jahren selbst umgebracht. Es ist also nicht verwunderlich, das die meisten Menschen von Apathie gelähmt sind. Die meisten Menschen haben Angst etwas anders oder Kreatives zu tun. Wir sind lieber Opfer als bemerkt zu werden, da wir soviel Angst und Schuld haben – Tonen von schwebender Angst und Schuld.

Dieser Ärger, Wut, Angst, und Dringlichkeitskomplex macht den Verstand verrückt. Da gibt es keinen Frieden. Gedanken an eingebildete Ungerechtigkeit, sich immer wiederholend. Die Gefühle, die mit diesen Vorstellungen verbunden sind, sind elendig – ja sogar schmerzhaft im Körper. Die Ungerechtigkeit scheint mehr und mehr echt zu sein. Es gibt keine Ruhe.

Es sind diese Vorstellungen mit Dringlichkeit, die Menschen dazu bringen sich gegenseitig anzugreifen – sich sogar gegenseitig zu töten. Wir sehen das jeden Tag in den Nachrichten. Ein Paar brachten seine Eltern um. Eine Frau tötet ihren Mann und Kinder. Mord an der Universität, im Restaurant, in Geschäften, und so weiter. 


Die Gedanken, die Menschen dazu veranlassen, diese Dinge zu tun, mögen gar nicht real sein. Sie können kreative Vorstellungen in unserem Verstand sein – Projektionen.

Weitere übersetzung folgt in der nächsten News


And what if the injustice we imagine is real?  What if the people in our repetitious dream are really unethical?  What if they persist in their evil designs? Does it help us to think about it and feel the pain over and over before, during, and after the event?


Are we just reliving a past life feeling or event and repeating it?  Are we causing others to hurt us with our victim thoughts and feelings and imaginations?


“People who forget history are doomed to repeat it.”  Suppressing our victim images is not the solution.


But, when this garbage comes to consciousness, this is the ideal time to reprogram the mind, to dismantle the feelings, and perhaps to change our personal history.


Our spirit is abundant life and abundant Aliveness.  Our Natural Divinity can produce abundant health, and abundant love and abundant prosperity.  We can change these unpleasant body feelings into joy, peace, wisdom, and celebration and victory, just by breathing ourselves into freedom.


Breathing is the bridge between the visible and the invisible.  We can breathe our way into bliss of Pure Spirit beyond the drama.  We can take our Life Force out of our negative thoughts and liberate ourselves from the unjust circumstances we are creating.  And then, usually we can see more clearly how to communicate with our enemies to produce a harmonious outcome, if, indeed, there are even real people in our drama.


Forgiveness is just relaxation.  Just keep breathing, relax, and change our thoughts, until our feelings change, and the negative pictures release and are changed into pictures of virtue and victory for all concerned.


We can dwell in peace, and love, and wisdom no matter what other people do or not do.  We don’t have to be hooked by their rage, anger, fear, and urgency.  And dissipating ours has a tendency to lessen and dissipate theirs.  Maybe they are just helping us to heal our suppressed rage.


Heaven on earth has to be created in our own emotional mind before we can create it in others.  When we free ourself we can see and feel clearly enough to free others.  Anger is a cry for help and healing.


Sitting with fire can empower the Breath and enable us to release lifetimes of injustice stored in our soul and felt in our body.


Soaking in warm water and doing connected breathing releases more layers and lifetimes of victim consciousness and abuse.


We can allow our fear, anger, rage and urgency feelings to energize productive activity and get some practical work done.  We can use the energy mobilized by anger to move particles in the physical universe, clean house, shovel dirt, chop wood, go for a hike, physical productive movement that accomplishes something that makes us feel good.  We have to get out of the endless cycle of negative feelings and body pain that sucks us down into the past injuries that we are inflicting upon ourselves.  Regression is the cure for suppression.  We have been suppressing for centuries.  But when the rages, fear, anger and urgency is slapping us in the face, we don’t have to work at regression.  We just have to deal successfully with our pain and miserable feelings.  We can relax into them and through them by breathing and releasing and using our creativity to imagine different things.


Anger is sometimes a cure for depression and sometimes causes depression.  We have to work for harmony and balance- feeling good all the time.


We have to get good at creating beautiful thoughts and feelings in the middle of our pain and misery.


Sometimes it is best to get out of the way of other people when they are recycling this rage, fear, anger and urgency.  Sometimes it may be worthwhile to move to another city or state or country.  Sometimes our personal safety and peace of mind is worth the effort.


Going to sleep is sometimes a suppressive mechanism that just sets us up for more injustice.  Sometimes it is best to stay awake and deal successfully with our feelings and pains.  But other times sleep is the best approach which enables us to forget and concentrate on other things.


I went to sleep around midnight and woke up at around 3:30 AM feeling the discomfort of anger.  Writing this freed those feelings.  But the rage has been going on for a few weeks or months triggered by different events.  World events, a traffic ticket, angry people in the environment, etc.


Yesterday I woke up early, processed a little then slept late.  But even this helped me to get it up and out of my suppressed emotional mind into body pain.  Yesterday in my bath I released so much that the new space and body freedom frightened me.  The rage dissolved into pure fear, so much fear that I decided to stay home and process it.  It was like panophobia.  I feel like the rest of my anger complex is gone today.


Back to ordinary living with new freedom and flexibility and a new ability to accept new opportunities, I can now accept the healing in myself and others I work with in my trainings, my friends, and the people I encounter in daily living.


Whatever I suppressed during sleep yesterday I released today.


I just finished my bath and while breathing and meditating in my bath I could see my Energy Body more clearly.  I noticed there are more layers packed in there, but I released a lot more while breathing in the tub today.  I feel at least temporarily peaceful and productive.


The anger, rage, fear, and urgency syndrome is a basic thing everybody has to deal with in life. RAFUS or Rauf;  rage, anger, urgency, and fear.  The word rauf makes me laugh when I speak it out loud.  And laughter helps to heal and release anger.  It is super good when we can laugh at ourselves when we are angry.


Rauf or Rafus for rage, anger, fear, and urgency syndrome. We just created a new word- rafus.


We have to remember also that greed, desire, resentment, and irritation are also related to anger.


It has been said that rage comes up for women in their 30’s- the angry 30’s.  And it comes up for men in their 40’s.


It seems the pressure keeps building from all the hurts and pressure of life and at a certain point in our personal history the volcano of rage erupts. If it doesn’t erupt then people create disease or accidents and become total victims.


When our rage can no longer be suppressed, it is good if we have tools to deal with it successfully.


In spite of all this rage- this rauf- that we carry through lifetime after lifetime, it is amazing how much fun and pleasure we can have when we keep it neatly suppressed.


Even though I have had intense and painful rage during some years, it is also amazing how many blissful years I have had.  Each time I go into the rage, anger, fear, insecurity, and urgency, and heal a bunch, my bliss and pleasure and success gets so much richer.


I’ve healed death urge, I’ve healed birth trauma, I’ve healed parental disapproval syndrome, I’ve healed senility, but there seems to be so much rauf from previous lives and deaths, that sometimes I wonder how I made it this far without killing myself or being killed by others.  I continually thank God for protecting me from my own suppressed victim consciousness.


After each layer or wave gets released I become more productive.  I am pleased by all I have accomplished, but that was yesterday and today is a new day for more accomplishment.


Probably at some point we will empty our collection and either levitate or dematerialize naturally.  Or we can always choose to stay and serve and teach and be an inspiration to others still stuck in the hell of rage and fear.


On the other hand, the war, which Krishna fought in, was called the war of the immortals.  Physical immortality as a belief system can breed arrogance and stupidity.  Arrogance, stupidity, and anger are bad combinations.


And it seems that people are so afraid of their anger and rage and the body-mind pain that it produces, they would rather die than face it and heal it.  Physical death is a “fuck you” to God and is a way of expressing our anger at God for not helping us more to master our own mind.


Therefore, it s definitely a good idea to heal our anger and victim consciousness.


Earth, air, water, and fire are so powerful.  All the time I’m writing this I am sitting or laying in front of my fireplace on one side and 4 candles burning on the other side.  I can feel the flames removing inches from my solar plexus which involves dissolving the pain from my body mind.  My body feels lighter by the minute.  I hate to leave here.  The releases feel like spiritual orgasms.


I feel so good!  Now that I have released all that rage, angerm fear, and urgency, but it took several days of earth, air, water, and fire practices during the past few months to get it up and out.


Most of this week I have had the privilege of being home alone.  A couple of days I had to go to town for appointments, and I will have either Sat or Sun as another day of solitude in which I will fast again.


It is amazing to have enough space to allow Spirit to clean and renew me.



It feels good to get clear to have a clean and balanced Energy Body.  So Good!


Getting Even


Most people would rather get even before giving up our rage and anger.


Getting even means revenge.  It means hurting someone as much as we hurt. 


Getting even is involved in all murder.


We would rather kill ourselves than give up our anger before getting even.  Even suicide is a form of revenge.


People die to get even with God. 


All death is suicide.  Everyone creates his or her own death.


Getting even is involved in all divorce.


The Bible says, “The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.”


People also fail to get even.  This can lead to the ultimate victim consciousness.  Apathy is passive aggression.


In the news in the last year were cases of people killing their parents.  Cases of killing spouses, children, and then self.


All this and yet, talking about the unconscious death urge is taboo.  There are all the mass murders on school and college campuses, at work, at restaurants.  There is all the genocide in Africa, and religious wars. How is killing others in the name of God?


Texas was the first state in which death by hand guns exceeded auto accidents.  It was mostly done in the name of Love.  Lovers killing their partners or rivals.  Love and sex is dangerous- be careful.  Strict monogamy may be good for your health.


Fire is the element that can heal the death urge and negative emotions faster than anything.  But fire has to be combined with soaking in a warm bath to relax.  Conscious Breathing automatically induces relaxation. Fasting teaches us self-control and restraint, and release.  Every fast is a great accomplishment and makes us feel so good.


Meat eating countries have more violence than vegetarian countries.  Is killing animals and eating them a form of rage?  If not it has been proven over and over that the victim consciousness, rage and fear of the dead animals that people eat breeds fear, anger, and rage in humans, not to even mention cancer and heart disease.


The Shiva Purana, the most ancient scriptures, forbids eating meat and for millions of years of human history only demons ate meat, and later, only the lower classes.  Good Brahmins today will never touch meat.


Eating animals was made popular by the Biblical people- Hebrews, Christians and Muslims.  Christians and Muslims have started as many wars as anybody in history.


Self righteous people – people with a little knowledge- who think they know enough


Are especially prone to anger when their opinions are questioned.


Healing or at least Dealing with Anger


We are perhaps more afraid of our own feelings than anything in the world.  And yet we have to be willing to feel our feelings before we can heal them.


We can also take on the anger and rage and fear of others through empathy, telepathy, patience, and self-control when we are being abused.        


Jesus managed to subdue his anger during his trial and crucifixion.


In his Course in Miracles he says that angry people are really crying out for help and love.


Jesus spent almost half his life in India where he learned about the Ramayana.  Sita says to Hanuman, “Be careful, an entire life of virtue can be totally ruined in a few minutes of anger.”  Ram and Sita lived 130,000 years ago.


The human mind is the most dangerous thing on earth or in the heavens.  Arrogance and anger got the devil and the gods into trouble.


Rage, hate, and fear are little four-letter words.  And yet they breed infinite complexity.


Love is also a four-letter word.  Joy only three.  Peace only five letters.  And yet love, joy and peace are simple and always welcomed.


Discussing our rage with a neutral listener helps to neutralize it and to heal it.


Since we have such a huge depository of rage from dozens of lifetimes, or hundreds, or thousands, or even millions of lifetimes and deaths, we should make the healing of our suppressed rage and anger and fear one of the main goals of this lifetime.


Working with our thoughts and feelings directly is the first line of defense or attack.


Spiritual practices with earth, air, water and fire can be more powerful than any mental techniques.


And harmonious relationships are the goal and fruit of success.


When we are working in the world, manual labor, and any kind of work that keeps our mind occupied and distracted from the repetitious angry and stupid thoughts is a wonderful tool.


Psychotherapy, past life regression and therapy, are good approaches.  Bodywork of all kinds from Trager to Rolfing also helps the healing process.


Even watching TV news and violent movies can be therapy to help us get in touch with our suppressed feelings of fear and anger.


TV is called communal consciousness.  We are united in the universal mind with everyone else who is watching at the same time and even different times.  This is very profound.


Perhaps we can watch TV and successfully process the minds of millions of people.

But what is obvious is that concrete political and community activity works.


Apathy is passive aggression.


Apathy is covert hostility as well as victim consciousness and eventually produces destruction, slavery, and death.  We now live in economic slavery.


Citizen responsibility and participation is salvation and the success that leads to peace.


Withholding generosity is a form of rage and anger and fear.


Withholding participation is also rage.  Participation has to be balanced by solitude and silence and spiritual purification.


Solitude is not necessarily silence.  We can be in constant conflict in our own mind- forever arguing with ourselves.


Silence should be peace, unity, and relaxation.


Relaxation is the ultimate cure for rage, fear, and urgency.  We can develop the habit of relaxation even to the point of relaxing during stress.


And thank God for suppression. This is a valuable tool for peace in the world.  Also called patience, self-control, tolerance, and many other things.


It has taken me four days to write this article.  A lot longer than I thought when I started.  These four days have been mostly in solitude and have been a powerful healing process for me.


I’ve spent hours breathing in my bathtub twice a day.


I noticed when I went out in my pasture and spent time with a totally open fire on the ground how more effective it was, even though I have spent most of the rest of the four days with my fireplace inside and with candles burning. 


I have also been working with the mantra Aum Namaha Shivaiya.  And I have also been fasting and getting plenty of exercise through manual labor or hiking, etc.


I hope all these ideas help you to control and heal your anger.


Finally, we must remember that the Infinite Being that we are immersed in is bigger than our anger, rage, fear and urgency.  That no matter how strong our victim feelings seem, they are just islands or bubbles in the Infinite sea of bliss and abundant love and life and light.


When we remember this our anger and all our destructive thoughts and feelings seem insignificant and they lose their power to recreate circumstances.  We can now relax and enjoy peace in our daily life.


Inspiration University; PO BOX 1026; Staunton, VA  24402; 540-885-0551






By Leonard Orr


Everybody has tons and tons of anger and rage and fear and urgency stored somewhere in our emotional body- our soul.  We can heal it only when we feel safe in our own mind and feelings.  We have to feel safe to look at, think about, and feel our own rage, anger, fear, and urgency.


Sometimes we need to be the object of injustice, of abuse, of mistreatment, etc. to get in touch with it and to feel it- to have our feelings hurt.  At other times, it seems to come up to consciousness out of the unconscious in layers or waves of rage and anger without any provocation.  We can be angry with no reason, just like sometimes we can be happy for no reason.


The Mind is complicated and the Truth is simple.


The mind is the most complicated thing on earth.  The mind- that portion of our soul which collects feelings, beliefs, doctrines, habits, and thoughts can be an infinite pile of garbage.  In this same pile can be virtues, beautiful memories, beautiful thoughts, and healthy emotions.  This confusing collection is what can make our minds so complicated.


We can be totally overcome by peace, love, joy, productive energy, wisdom, and bliss on one day and the next day ruled by anger, fear, stupidity, depression and irrational projections.  Unfortunately, this is also true for the people around us.


We can bounce back and forth from darkness to light in the same day.

But the Truth remains the same and simple and clear: Energy, Spirit, Thought, Mind, Form, Body.


With nothing added- pure and simple.


The goal of spiritual liberation is to clear all these complexities and to see beauty, clarity, love, and the wisdom of Life in people always and everywhere.  We can see the Truth- pure and simple.


As I look back on my history of healing myself and millions of others, this rage, anger, fear and urgency collection seems always to be rooted in past lives.


I have been concentrating on past life therapy in my own healing process and teaching it in all my trainings in the past 1 ½ years because it works.  Past life therapy is sometimes the direct route to solving a problem.


It seems to be getting to the point where I can just feel the globs and tons of past life feelings of this stuff and just work through it and release it without any historical detail content.  I can release it by breathing in the bath or while sitting with a fire.


We can just have a general intuition of, ‘Oh! That comes from a past life.’ and just release it.


As Freud says, the unconscious is just memory- forgotten memories. Past life therapy is just remembering old memories and releasing them.  This, of course, happens spontaneously during Rb Breathwork sessions whether or not we have specific content.


This is a virtue as well as a disappointment at times about breathwork.  A completed energy cycle can release


Inspiration University; PO BOX 1026; Staunton, VA  24402; 540-885-0551


all kinds of stuff as just energy concentrations in the solar plexus or anywhere in the body without content or

pictures- just vague feelings and releases.  The release is often a body rush that feels good. 


But our intellectual mind is curious and sometimes would like a full movie of the past life experiences that are being released.


Some people prefer to dispense with re-experiencing the drama- even terror of past life memories- and just like to have the spiritual bowel movement.  Then they can feel the new freedom and get on with their lives in the present.  Today, many people have such busy, interesting lives, they no longer need to be entertained by the past, its pain, and its obstructions, even diseases, so we can live in heaven on earth.  Content is not important in our releasing process.


When we are immortal, we have to have something to do with our time, so it is good that we have busy productive lives.


On the other hand, today I had so much rage that it stopped me.  When I felt it in my morning bath, the Energy concentration was so heavy that I thought I should be flexible and take it easy today- thus, I am writing this.  I am feeling unsafe in my own mind.  It feels good to take time out in the middle of my day to write this. And I have hundreds of other things to do.


When I felt the full heaviness it felt like too much to release in one session.  However, as I continued to surrender into the energy concentration and do connected breathing at one point it all just released and I went into clarity and bliss.  It is amazing how something can be so painful and bothersome, but when we release it we become so clear that we can’t ever remember what we were bothered about.

Breathing twice per day in the tub is a valuable discipline.  And I apply olive and coconut oil to my skin after every bath.  I also love it when I can get a beautiful woman with nice energy to apply the oil.




Fear is the other side of the coin of anger.  And both fear and anger put us into urgency. When we are too busy, this business is always motivated by or accompanied by urgency.


When we realize the pattern of urgency and develop a new habit of relaxing in the middle of it and just allow ourselves to feel the feeling of urgency, it is amazing what happens.  So many times, exercising this new habit makes me late for an appointment, but I usually find to my great relief that the other person or even a whole group of persons are more late than I am.  And when the other person is on time, I graciously apologize and everything works out perfect because when I release the feelings of urgency there is no trigger for others to be activated by.  Urgency is a fear of disapproval, fear of missing something, fear of losing an opportunity to love someone or giving to someone or serving them, or missing the opportunity to receive love. 
But when we clear the feeling everything becomes more beautiful for everyone involved.


Urgency can be caused by fear and can be mixed with anger and rage. 


We have so much fear we have killed ourselves with disease and mistakes for thousands of years.  It is no wonder that most humans are paralyzed in apathy.  Most people are afraid to do anything different or creative.  We would rather be victims than get noticed because we have so much fear and guilt- tons of floating fear and guilt.


This anger, rage, fear, urgency complex makes the mind crazy.  There is no peace.  The thoughts of imagined


injustice repeat over and over.  The feelings connected with these imaginations are miserable- even painful in the body.  The injustice seems more and more real.  There is no rest. 


It is these imaginings with urgency that cause people to attack each other- even murder each other.  We see this in the news every day.  A couple murdered their parents.  A woman kills her husband and children.  Campus murders and restaurant murders, department stores, etc.


The thoughts that cause people to do these things may not be real at all.  They may be creative imaginations only in our own mind- projections.


And what if the injustice we imagine is real?  What if the people in our repetitious dream are really unethical?  What if they persist in their evil designs? Does it help us to think about it and feel the pain over and over before, during, and after the event?


Are we just reliving a past life feeling or event and repeating it?  Are we causing others to hurt us with our victim thoughts and feelings and imaginations?


“People who forget history are doomed to repeat it.”  Suppressing our victim images is not the solution.


But, when this garbage comes to consciousness, this is the ideal time to reprogram the mind, to dismantle the feelings, and perhaps to change our personal history.


Our spirit is abundant life and abundant Aliveness.  Our Natural Divinity can produce abundant health, and abundant love and abundant prosperity.  We can change these unpleasant body feelings into joy, peace, wisdom, and celebration and victory, just by breathing ourselves into freedom.


Breathing is the bridge between the visible and the invisible.  We can breathe our way into bliss of Pure Spirit beyond the drama.  We can take our Life Force out of our negative thoughts and liberate ourselves from the unjust circumstances we are creating.  And then, usually we can see more clearly how to communicate with our enemies to produce a harmonious outcome, if, indeed, there are even real people in our drama.


Forgiveness is just relaxation.  Just keep breathing, relax, and change our thoughts, until our feelings change, and the negative pictures release and are changed into pictures of virtue and victory for all concerned.


We can dwell in peace, and love, and wisdom no matter what other people do or not do.  We don’t have to be hooked by their rage, anger, fear, and urgency.  And dissipating ours has a tendency to lessen and dissipate theirs.  Maybe they are just helping us to heal our suppressed rage.


Heaven on earth has to be created in our own emotional mind before we can create it in others.  When we free ourself we can see and feel clearly enough to free others.  Anger is a cry for help and healing.


Sitting with fire can empower the Breath and enable us to release lifetimes of injustice stored in our soul and felt in our body.


Soaking in warm water and doing connected breathing releases more layers and lifetimes of victim consciousness and abuse.


We can allow our fear, anger, rage and urgency feelings to energize productive activity and get some practical work done.  We can use the energy mobilized by anger to move particles in the physical universe, clean house,


shovel dirt, chop wood, go for a hike, physical productive movement that accomplishes something that makes us feel good.  We have to get out of the endless cycle of negative feelings and body pain that sucks us down into the past injuries that we are inflicting upon ourselves.  Regression is the cure for suppression.  We have been suppressing for centuries.  But when the rages, fear, anger and urgency is slapping us in the face, we don’t have to work at regression.  We just have to deal successfully with our pain and miserable feelings.  We can relax into them and through them by breathing and releasing and using our creativity to imagine different things.


Anger is sometimes a cure for depression and sometimes causes depression.  We have to work for harmony and balance- feeling good all the time.


We have to get good at creating beautiful thoughts and feelings in the middle of our pain and misery.


Sometimes it is best to get out of the way of other people when they are recycling this rage, fear, anger and urgency.  Sometimes it may be worthwhile to move to another city or state or country.  Sometimes our personal safety and peace of mind is worth the effort.


Going to sleep is sometimes a suppressive mechanism that just sets us up for more injustice.  Sometimes it is best to stay awake and deal successfully with our feelings and pains.  But other times sleep is the best approach which enables us to forget and concentrate on other things.


I went to sleep around midnight and woke up at around 3:30 AM feeling the discomfort of anger.  Writing this freed those feelings.  But the rage has been going on for a few weeks or months triggered by different events.  World events, a traffic ticket, angry people in the environment, etc.


Yesterday I woke up early, processed a little then slept late.  But even this helped me to get it up and out of my suppressed emotional mind into body pain.  Yesterday in my bath I released so much that the new space and body freedom frightened me.  The rage dissolved into pure fear, so much fear that I decided to stay home and process it.  It was like panophobia.  I feel like the rest of my anger complex is gone today.


Back to ordinary living with new freedom and flexibility and a new ability to accept new opportunities, I can now accept the healing in myself and others I work with in my trainings, my friends, and the people I encounter in daily living.


Whatever I suppressed during sleep yesterday I released today.


I just finished my bath and while breathing and meditating in my bath I could see my Energy Body more clearly.  I noticed there are more layers packed in there, but I released a lot more while breathing in the tub today.  I feel at least temporarily peaceful and productive.


The anger, rage, fear, and urgency syndrome is a basic thing everybody has to deal with in life. RAFUS or Rauf;  rage, anger, urgency, and fear.  The word rauf makes me laugh when I speak it out loud.  And laughter helps to heal and release anger.  It is super good when we can laugh at ourselves when we are angry.


Rauf or Rafus for rage, anger, fear, and urgency syndrome. We just created a new word- rafus.


We have to remember also that greed, desire, resentment, and irritation are also related to anger.




It has been said that rage comes up for women in their 30’s- the angry 30’s.  And it comes up for men in their 40’s.


It seems the pressure keeps building from all the hurts and pressure of life and at a certain point in our personal history the volcano of rage erupts. If it doesn’t erupt then people create disease or accidents and become total victims.


When our rage can no longer be suppressed, it is good if we have tools to deal with it successfully.


In spite of all this rage- this rauf- that we carry through lifetime after lifetime, it is amazing how much fun and pleasure we can have when we keep it neatly suppressed.


Even though I have had intense and painful rage during some years, it is also amazing how many blissful years I have had.  Each time I go into the rage, anger, fear, insecurity, and urgency, and heal a bunch, my bliss and pleasure and success gets so much richer.


I’ve healed death urge, I’ve healed birth trauma, I’ve healed parental disapproval syndrome, I’ve healed senility, but there seems to be so much rauf from previous lives and deaths, that sometimes I wonder how I made it this far without killing myself or being killed by others.  I continually thank God for protecting me from my own suppressed victim consciousness.


After each layer or wave gets released I become more productive.  I am pleased by all I have accomplished, but that was yesterday and today is a new day for more accomplishment.


Probably at some point we will empty our collection and either levitate or dematerialize naturally.  Or we can always choose to stay and serve and teach and be an inspiration to others still stuck in the hell of rage and fear.


On the other hand, the war, which Krishna fought in, was called the war of the immortals.  Physical immortality as a belief system can breed arrogance and stupidity.  Arrogance, stupidity, and anger are bad combinations.


And it seems that people are so afraid of their anger and rage and the body-mind pain that it produces, they would rather die than face it and heal it.  Physical death is a “fuck you” to God and is a way of expressing our anger at God for not helping us more to master our own mind.


Therefore, it s definitely a good idea to heal our anger and victim consciousness.


Earth, air, water, and fire are so powerful.  All the time I’m writing this I am sitting or laying in front of my fireplace on one side and 4 candles burning on the other side.  I can feel the flames removing inches from my solar plexus which involves dissolving the pain from my body mind.  My body feels lighter by the minute.  I hate to leave here.  The releases feel like spiritual orgasms.


I feel so good!  Now that I have released all that rage, angerm fear, and urgency, but it took several days of earth, air, water, and fire practices during the past few months to get it up and out.


Most of this week I have had the privilege of being home alone.  A couple of days I had to go to town for appointments, and I will have either Sat or Sun as another day of solitude in which I will fast again.


It is amazing to have enough space to allow Spirit to clean and renew me.


It feels good to get clear to have a clean and balanced Energy Body.  So Good!


Getting Even


Most people would rather get even before giving up our rage and anger.


Getting even means revenge.  It means hurting someone as much as we hurt. 


Getting even is involved in all murder.


We would rather kill ourselves than give up our anger before getting even.  Even suicide is a form of revenge.


People die to get even with God. 


All death is suicide.  Everyone creates his or her own death.


Getting even is involved in all divorce.


The Bible says, “The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.”


People also fail to get even.  This can lead to the ultimate victim consciousness.  Apathy is passive aggression.


In the news in the last year were cases of people killing their parents.  Cases of killing spouses, children, and then self.


All this and yet, talking about the unconscious death urge is taboo.  There are all the mass murders on school and college campuses, at work, at restaurants.  There is all the genocide in Africa, and religious wars. How is killing others in the name of God?


Texas was the first state in which death by hand guns exceeded auto accidents.  It was mostly done in the name of Love.  Lovers killing their partners or rivals.  Love and sex is dangerous- be careful.  Strict monogamy may be good for your health.


Fire is the element that can heal the death urge and negative emotions faster than anything.  But fire has to be combined with soaking in a warm bath to relax.  Conscious Breathing automatically induces relaxation. Fasting teaches us self-control and restraint, and release.  Every fast is a great accomplishment and makes us feel so good.


Meat eating countries have more violence than vegetarian countries.  Is killing animals and eating them a form of rage?  If not it has been proven over and over that the victim consciousness, rage and fear of the dead animals that people eat breeds fear, anger, and rage in humans, not to even mention cancer and heart disease.


The Shiva Purana, the most ancient scriptures, forbids eating meat and for millions of years of human history only demons ate meat, and later, only the lower classes.  Good Brahmins today will never touch meat.


Eating animals was made popular by the Biblical people- Hebrews, Christians and Muslims.  Christians and Muslims have started as many wars as anybody in history.


Self righteous people – people with a little knowledge- who think they know enough


Are especially prone to anger when their opinions are questioned.


Healing or at least Dealing with Anger


We are perhaps more afraid of our own feelings than anything in the world.  And yet we have to be willing to feel our feelings before we can heal them.


We can also take on the anger and rage and fear of others through empathy, telepathy, patience, and self-control when we are being abused.        


Jesus managed to subdue his anger during his trial and crucifixion.


In his Course in Miracles he says that angry people are really crying out for help and love.


Jesus spent almost half his life in India where he learned about the Ramayana.  Sita says to Hanuman, “Be careful, an entire life of virtue can be totally ruined in a few minutes of anger.”  Ram and Sita lived 130,000 years ago.


The human mind is the most dangerous thing on earth or in the heavens.  Arrogance and anger got the devil and the gods into trouble.


Rage, hate, and fear are little four-letter words.  And yet they breed infinite complexity.


Love is also a four-letter word.  Joy only three.  Peace only five letters.  And yet love, joy and peace are simple and always welcomed.


Discussing our rage with a neutral listener helps to neutralize it and to heal it.


Since we have such a huge depository of rage from dozens of lifetimes, or hundreds, or thousands, or even millions of lifetimes and deaths, we should make the healing of our suppressed rage and anger and fear one of the main goals of this lifetime.


Working with our thoughts and feelings directly is the first line of defense or attack.


Spiritual practices with earth, air, water and fire can be more powerful than any mental techniques.


And harmonious relationships are the goal and fruit of success.


When we are working in the world, manual labor, and any kind of work that keeps our mind occupied and distracted from the repetitious angry and stupid thoughts is a wonderful tool.


Psychotherapy, past life regression and therapy, are good approaches.  Bodywork of all kinds from Trager to Rolfing also helps the healing process.


Even watching TV news and violent movies can be therapy to help us get in touch with our suppressed feelings of fear and anger.


TV is called communal consciousness.  We are united in the universal mind with everyone else who is watching at the same time and even different times.  This is very profound.


Perhaps we can watch TV and successfully process the minds of millions of people.

But what is obvious is that concrete political and community activity works.


Apathy is passive aggression.


Apathy is covert hostility as well as victim consciousness and eventually produces destruction, slavery, and death.  We now live in economic slavery.


Citizen responsibility and participation is salvation and the success that leads to peace.


Withholding generosity is a form of rage and anger and fear.


Withholding participation is also rage.  Participation has to be balanced by solitude and silence and spiritual purification.


Solitude is not necessarily silence.  We can be in constant conflict in our own mind- forever arguing with ourselves.


Silence should be peace, unity, and relaxation.


Relaxation is the ultimate cure for rage, fear, and urgency.  We can develop the habit of relaxation even to the point of relaxing during stress.


And thank God for suppression. This is a valuable tool for peace in the world.  Also called patience, self-control, tolerance, and many other things.


It has taken me four days to write this article.  A lot longer than I thought when I started.  These four days have been mostly in solitude and have been a powerful healing process for me.


I’ve spent hours breathing in my bathtub twice a day.


I noticed when I went out in my pasture and spent time with a totally open fire on the ground how more effective it was, even though I have spent most of the rest of the four days with my fireplace inside and with candles burning. 


I have also been working with the mantra Aum Namaha Shivaiya.  And I have also been fasting and getting plenty of exercise through manual labor or hiking, etc.


I hope all these ideas help you to control and heal your anger.


Finally, we must remember that the Infinite Being that we are immersed in is bigger than our anger, rage, fear and urgency.  That no matter how strong our victim feelings seem, they are just islands or bubbles in the Infinite sea of bliss and abundant love and life and light.


When we remember this our anger and all our destructive thoughts and feelings seem insignificant and they lose their power to recreate circumstances.  We can now relax and enjoy peace in our daily life.











lecture with Leonard Orr in Krefeld : ‘An evening with Leonard Orr’

5.08. 08   7.00 pm    <personal power, political power, spiritual power< € 30


lecture <money<   with Leonard Orr 27.08.2008

Info: Heike Strombach  02269/528   heikestrombach@yahoo.com




Ausbildungen und Trainings auf unserer Website www.rebirthinternational.de heikestrombach@yahoo.com

Ausbildung: "Integrativer Atem- und Meditationslehrer" mit Lamia Hariri und Ralf Lieder   

info@house-of-health.de                         www.house-of-health.de




Trainings and Seminars under www.rebirthinternational.de and at the end of our mail


Rebirth  International  e.V.

Rebirthing – Atem – Training

Bewusstes Atmen und spirituelle Reinigung mit den 5 Elementen

9-tägiges Training vom 30.August  – 7. September 2008


Leonard Orr


Heike Strombach


In diesem Training benutzen wir das bewusste Atmen und spirituelle Reinigung mit Erde, Feuer, Luft und Wasser, und der Macht unserer Gedanken um unser Leben zu einem größeren Erfolg zu machen.

Leonard Orr, der Begründer des intuitiven, bewussten Energieatmens, auch Rebirthing genannt, ein wahrer Meister persönlichen Wachstums. Leonard Orr ist ein Pionier in dem Bereich der Selbsterfahrung und spirituellem Wachstum. Rebirthing ist intuitives, verbundenes und sanftes Atmen. Das Gefühl der Selbstliebe, der Kreativität und des inneren Friedens ist das Ergebnis einer Atemsitzung. Dieses Seminar ist dein Grundstein für eine fundierte Rebirthing Ausbildung. Sie verbindet uns mit unserer Intuition, der Liebe und  unserer natürlichen Göttlichkeit Die Techniken mit den vier Elementen heilen und reinigen unseren Energiekörper, und hilft jedem guten Rebirther und ist hilfreich für alle spirituell Suchenden.

Auf dem Programm stehen viele Seminare mit Leonard Orr und Heike Strombach, Atmen in 3er Gruppen, einen Tag fasten, schweigen und mit dem Element Feuer zur inneren Einkehr und Visionssuche zu verbringen. Das persönliche Erleben und Erfahren der heilenden Wirkung von Erde, Feuer, Luft und Wasser, wie Leonard es von den unsterblichen Yogis in Indien gelernt hat, ist der Schwerpunkt des Seminars. Seminarthemen: kreatives Denken, physische Unsterblichkeit, Geld und Wohlstand, Politik, erfolgreiche Selbstständigkeit. Die Teilnahme am  Aarati ist möglich.

Rebirth International e.V.

Heike Strombach      Klaswipper 30         51688 Wipperfürth                      Tel/Fax 02269/528                    heikestrombach@yahoo.com

Trainingsort:  Haus Petra, 58566 Rönsahl, 02269/7592     

      9-tägigesTraining        1008,- €  + Unterkunft/Verpflegung 380 €

5tägiges Training 590 €    +230 €                             Anzahlung von  € 300

In Ausnahmefällen sind Ermäßigungen möglich!

Bitte bringe einen Schlafsack, eine Iso-Matte, Taschenlampe und wetterfeste Kleidung und Schuhe für die Visionssuche mit.


Rebirth International e.V.


Rebirthing breath work training  and spiritual Purification


Leonard Orr andHeike Strombach

30th of August till 7th of September 2008


Conscious breathing, spiritual purification with earth, air, water, fire & the power of thought and love.


Leonard Orr, the founding father of the conscious, connected energy breathing will enlighten us with his experience, his wisdom and his love.

We will learn techniques to maintain and recover our life energy, to maintain lasting health and happiness.

This 9 day seminar is as well the foundation to becoming a breathing guide for other people.

We will practice a daily routine with earth, air, water and fire and mastering our emotional mind to connect with the divine power and our creativity.

We will fast one day; we spend this day on a vision quest in silence in nature with an open fire. There will be multitude of seminars and sharing with Leonard Orr and Heike Strombach.

Personal law, creative thinking, prosperity, health and physical immortality and personal and professional success are some of these topics.

A personal connection to Infinite Intelligence, Infinite Energy and Infinite Manifestation grants success and happiness.


Heike Strombach      Rebirth International e.V.  Klaswipper30    51688 Wipperfürth                      Tel/Fax 02269/528                    heikestrombach@yahoo.com

The Training will be held in Haus Petra


From A 45  Exit Meinerzhagen then through Kierspe till Rönsahl, house Petra is on the right side

From A3 to A 4, Exit Gummersbach/Wiehl, pass Gummersbach then B256   Or A 1 Exit  in Remscheid pass Hückeswagen and Wipperfürth to Ohl


Heike Strombach  02269-528

Rebirth  International  e.V.

Register now!!!!!!!!!


www.rebirthinternational.de                                       www. leonardorr.de

5 day training 30th  till  3rd  September 2008

            Arrival Saturday at 9.oo am

Investment 590,- €  plus food + accommodation 230 €


  9 - Day training             30th of August  till 7th   of September 2008

               Arrive Saturday 9.oo am/ End Sunday 7th of September ca 11am

Investment 1008,- €  plus food + accommodation 380 €

by registration  advanced payment of  € 300


After participation in the 5 day training  the participation at individual days afterwards is possible for   € 150 / per day and the following weekend for only  € 200

Different forms of Scholarship in exceptions available

9 day spiritual purification training

The Basic Program:


·         Daily spiritual purification practices with earth, air, water and fire.

·         Individual Rebirthing Breathing sessions

·         24 hour Vision Quest – a special experience of the healing power of fire

·         Clearing the emotional mind; identifying and transforming our limiting beliefs and personal laws.

·         Training in the Consciousness of Prosperity, Self-Healing and Body Mstery

·         Seminars on Spiritual Psychology, the Science of Affirmations and Creative Thinking, Implementing the Laws of Attraction, Discovering the Personal Law, Professional Rebirther Skills and Physical Immortality

·         Meditation, Aarti worship service and the Sacred Fire Ceremony, Havan.

·         Leonard's books and audio tapes will be available for your purchase. A perfect time to

expand your library on spiritual practices!

Daily Spiritual Purification Practices:


1.      Mind: changing negative thoughts into positive thoughts as they flow through our consciousness, reading Scriptures, doing mantra yoga (the practice of repeating a mantra or high-quality thought).

2.      Earth: Practicing good nutrition, vegetarianism, having a personal exercise practice and movement practices; having a career we love, playing or listening to percussion music

3.      Air: Conscious Energy Breathing, singing and chanting. The ability to breathe energy as well as air.

4.      Water: Bathing twice daily, morning before breakfast and community gatherings and late afternoon before evening meal and seminars. Many yogis practice bathing before sunrise and sunset. Experimenting with cold water and warm water rebirthing bring about additional emergy releases and healing.

5.      Fire: Sleeping, sitting with your fire daily and during the 24 hour period of silence, fasting and vision questing. You will discover the healing power of fire. (See the Vision Quest)

6.      Love: Prayer, spiritual rituals and the Spiritual community that emerges when everyone performs daily spiritual practices. It also includes political responsibility.

7.      Rest: Doing nothing but feeling God and relaxation and giving yourself to do nothing! Practicing solitude and meditation.

8.      Grace: Trusting Life – Connecting to God's love and healing energy. One of the Creator's gifts to us.


Rebirthing Sessions


Rebirthing/Conscious Breathing is a very valuable tool and ability to have. It is relearning how to breathe energy as well as air – the way we did unconsciously as children. Have you ever wondered why children seem to have this unending, bountiful energy? Perhaps it has to do with the fact that they are constantly breathing!


A session or completed energy cycle yields pure Life energy flowing through the body, replacing tensions with relaxation and energy. When we have the ability to breath energy, we can induce relaxation and peaceful energy flows anytime; the extremes of our emotional highs and lows are reduced. .Leonard says, “I have always used conscious breathing to give people a vacation from drama and a vehicle for bliss and peace and healing Life Energy.” He also likens the experience to a “biological experience of God”.


Conscious breathing supports our digestive processes, our elimination system, our circulatory system, our respiratory system and all other organs and systems of the body. It brings about “The peace that passeth all understanding”. Conscious Breathing is pleasurable and automatically stimulates creativity and renews mental energy and peace.


Healing a body memory of birth trauma or a major emotional memory can be moved along each time we breathe through a “breath cycle”. We have to be patient with ourselves and our own healing process, however. Sooner or later we all have to solve our own problems. No one can do it for us. This takes patience and wisdom!


Only quality individual breath sessions are practiced in Leonard's trainings. These are usually done in groups of 3: a Rebirther, the Rebirthee and an observer. Each person receives a session – yes, including the Rebirther! This is a beautiful energy created between three people, is an opportunity to Rebirth someone (if you have had at least ten Rebirthing sessions or are a professional Rebirther) and to observe how the session is done. This is an excellent way to learn how to Rebirth others.


Generally, if you are attending the five day training, you will have at least 3 rebirthing sessions and for the nine day training you will have at least 4 – 5 sessions. Some people request more and we are able to accommodate those requests. Sessions are held every other day. This gives you time to integrate the thoughts and feelings stimulated by your session. We have daily rebirthing sharing circles. This is an excellent time for you to ask questions of Leonard.


Fire Purification and the Vision Quest:


Fire purification is healing magic and is a significant component of this training. If you attend the five day training you will have one day of vision questing. If you attend the nine day training, you will have two days of vision questing. However, one advantage of camping out is that you can get more fire purification throughout the night.


We participate in a vision quest to gain from it's five aspects: silence, being solitary, fasting, consciously maintaining your fire (there is plenty of wood in the forest) and observing the mind. As you watch the mind, and understand the seeds that have been planted, you can understand the effects of your thoughts in your life. Perceiving the nature of your mind means to observe your thoughts and actions and perceiving the nature of your mind is heightened by the quality of fire. We get to observe what we are unnecessarily holding on to.


One of the most beneficial ways that we can understand our cycles and patterns is to recognize the beauty of the unfolding moment. It is to be in the present. This awareness is gained through the vision quest, coupled with fasting. Some may choose to do a modified fasting if it is new to them, but you can discover the new energy that fasting releases and you can understand more about your eating habits and thoughts about food, energy and health.


Your experience with the fire can be enhanced when you bathe before beginning your fire, perhaps making offerings to the fire, (a portion of what you ate, tobacco, flowers, etc.), giving thanks for the All in your life, and dedicating your vigil to a specific inner quest. The process of maintaining the fire through weather changes and other challenges requires and develops determination to succeed. Once the rhythm of the fire becomes established and burns with ease, you can focus the mind on the flames. Just sit and watch. The fire is a gateway to wisdom within.


Panch Agni:


This is a meditation of five fires. It is thought that in ancient times the number “five” represented the five races or the five regions of the world. Leonard calls this his “physical immortality machine!” When you experience this meditation, you will understand why he calls it that. The participant sits in the center of a square in silence, surrounded by four fires, one in each corner of a square. These small fires are maintained by a helper so that you can just absorb what it feels like to be safely surrounded by four fires. The sun comprises the fifth fire.


The Mind: The Mind and the Breath are the king and queen of human consciousness. We cannot ignore the power of the mind, especially after we have discovered the power of the Breath of Life. The Breath is the power of the mind, but our thoughts are the directors, the ruleers of this power for good or bad. The mind can be a source of joy or evil. The mind can create beauty – endless beauty, or it can be the most dangerous thing on earth.


We have to learn how to use our thoughts and feeings to create heaven on earth for ourselves and everyone in our environment. We do this by communicating our truth in a gentle, reflective way so that we can see what we believe more clearly and move our thoughts, beliefs and feelings into greater harmony with the Truth.


Breathing is always totally harmless, but the human mind is not. Unconscious emotions are the most dangerous things. When we become conscious of these unconscious emotions and how we absorbed them (from our environment, our parents, educational system, religious systems and other specific events) we can begin to deal with them. Through the consciousness of Creative Thinking, Affirmations and other mind clearing techniques, we can liberate ourselves from negative family or environmental patterns which diminish our Life Force.


Seminars included are: Understanding how the Law of Attraction actually works; Being a Professional Rebirther, Spiritual Psychology, Affirmations and Creative Thinking.


The Personal Law (Lie)


A personal law or core belief, is a thought that controls a person's life more than any other thought. We call this a “law” because we have integrated this (false) belief into our relationship to ourself, others, to money and our profession. Some personal laws are: “I can't get enough”, “I'm not good enough”, “Life is a constant struggle!”, “People always hurt me”. When you uncover your personal law, you have dynamite in your hands as you can begin to free yourself from this powerful, limiting belief.


Physical Immortality:


The main point is that there can be Life after old age – richer and more abundant life in which life is more fun that at any other stage. Leonard believes that longevity pills will never work without the transformation and healing of the emotional mind.


There is no genuine self-improvement without facing the idea of total healig which means healing Spirit, Mind and BODY. Physical immortality is a worthy goal but we can't realize it if we never think about it. Leonard and other seminar leaders will delve into what it means to free ourselves from the unconscious death urge that we, our families and our culture holds.


Leonard has studied physical immortality throughout most of his life, has sought out immortal yogis and practices the elements of physical immortality. He is an excellent example of “living the Life Immortal”.


A Professional Rebirther Forum:


Shared insights into specific skills you will want to know about to successfully rebirth others. Bring your own insights and questions to this valuable seminar.


The Law of Attraction:


By our patterns of thought we attract into our life that which appears. Through conscious thought, sound power, power of prayer and a clear and harmonious relationship with this sacred law, we can attract what will benefit all. You can learn all of the subtlities and nuances of magnetization in this seminar.


The Diamond Body Meditation:


Held each early evening before dinner. This meditation is in the Tsalagi (Cherokee) tradition and uses visualization, the gift of affirmation and chanting to bring about the calm lake of the mind and body. The source is the Sunray Meditation Society with the Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo.


Aarti, A morning Hindu devotional chanting worship service begins each morning, 7:30 a.m.


The aarti is sung to “dispel darkness” or ignorance. Singing the aarti, which is sung in Hindi and Sanskrit stimulates the energy centers of the mind, body and spirit..


Leisure time to relax, relate, bathe, soak, hike or just listen to the sound of the wind as she passes through the trees and meadow grasses; gaze at the brilliant stars and listen to the sweet sounds of nature.




Das Buch 'Wie man sich das Sterben abgewöhnt'   'Breaking the death habit'  von Leonard Orr wurde von Stepfanie Maharaj ins Deutsche übersetzt. Es ist bei uns zu kaufen!!!!!!!!

Wie man sich das Sterben abgewöhnt


Wer Interesse an einem Manuskript hat, kann es bei mir für 15 Euro (+ Porto) bestellen, solange es nicht veröffentlicht ist (DIN A4 Format, Ringbuchbindung).

Kontakt: Stephanie Maharaj, st.maharaj@gmx.de



SPECIAL TRAININGS (parallel program)

Leonard Orr will be doing his SALT – Special Advanced Leadership
Training on request. Each participant in the SALT receives an
individual Rebirthing session from Leonard. Prerequisite is having
received 10 Rebirthing sessions. BOOK YOURSELF AS SOON AS POSSIBLE
since the SALT is limited to 6 participants.




hallo Ihr Lieben ,

von Sylvie

aufgrund unsere derzeitigen Situation die auf der Erde herrscht dürfte auch bald dem letzen klar werden das wir unsere Augen nicht mehr verschließen können.

Wir alle tragen die Verantwortung für das was gerade in der Welt mit unserer Erde und  unseren Mitgeschöpfen geschieht.


Es hilft nicht darauf zu warten das irgendwann mal eine Regierung kommt die uns eine bessere Welt präsentiert.

Denn wir sind die Welt und nur jeder einzelne von uns kann was ändern.


Ich bitte Euch die Verantwortung nicht mehr abzugeben  und selbst hin zu schauen.

Bitte nehmt Euch doch ein paar Augenblicke Zeit und fühlt mal in Euch rein.


Vielleicht habt Ihr auch den Mut Euch das ein oder andere Video anzusehen.

Wir alle, und ich weiß jeder einzelne von Euch dem ich das hier schicke hat die Tiere und die Natur in sein Herz geschlossen.


Aber wie ehrlich sind wir mit uns ? ? ?


 Bitte schaut hin , fühlt hin und ich bin sicher wir alle können was verändern.

Und zwar dann wenn wir auch mal über unseren Tellerrand schauen.


Ich selbst bin auf diesem Weg, viel zu oft lasse ich mich blenden oder scheue mich den Schmerz anzuschauen.

Auch  die innere Gier  zu überwinden und das Fleisch weg zu lassen ist mir am Anfang nicht leicht gefallen.

Erst die tiefgreifende Erfahrung die ich mit meiner Hündin Sandy machen durfte hat mir dabei geholfen.


Aber wir dürfen auch  mal schwach sein wenn wir den Mut haben immer wieder neu hinzuschauen...

Vielleicht können wir gemeinsam  eine Kraft bilden die Veränderung schafft.


Ich danke Euch

& sende Euch liebe Grüße aus Dresden










Meine Buchempfehlung:

Vegetarisch leben - Die Vorteile einer fleischlosen Ernährung
NUR 4,50 euro bei amazon

vegetarisch leben - dies ist nicht
nur eine gesunde, vollwertige
ernährungsweise, sondern auch
ausdruck eines bewussten
lebensstils. vegetarisch leben ist
destruktiven tendenzen der modernen
zivilisation entgegenzuwirken. denn
die nachteile des globalen
fleischkonsums werden immer

Dieses Buch vermittelt die
wichtigsten Informationen zur
Diskussion über Vegetarismus und

# Gesundheit und Vorbeugung durch
vegetarische Ernährung /
# Fleischessen und
Zivilisationskrankheiten /
# Wirtschaftliche und ökologische
Problematik der Fleischproduktion /

# Ausbeutung der Dritten Welt /
# Tiermißhandlung durch die
Fleischindustrie /
# Ethik und menschliche
Verantwortung /
# Vegetarismus-Zitate aus 2500
Jahren /
# Prominente VegetarierInnen /
# Vegetarismus in den
Weltreligionen /
# Kollektives Karma und die
Weltsituation /
# Die Macht des einzelnen Menschen
# Liste vegetarischer Restaurants
im deutschen Sprachraum.

übergreifende buch, welches derzeit
zu dem thema auf dem markt ist.

nach dem lesen dieses buches gibt
es KEINE argumente mehr, warum der
mensch fleisch essen soll / darf.
da bleibt keine diskussionsfrage
offen. es wird eindeutig klar:

vegetarisch zu leben ist ein erster
(grund)schritt in richtung

vegetarisch zu leben ist unsere
natürliche lebensweise.

vegetarisch zu leben, trägt in
HOHEM MAßE dazu bei,
umweltverschmutzung, welthunger,
umweltkatastrophen, epidemien usw.
zu verhindern.


Ein Film ohne Worte






zum Nachdenken :





Rebirth International e.V.


Atem- und Lebenszentrum Klaswipper



für Entspannung und  Meisterschaft

 über Körper Seele und Geist,

bewusstes Energieatmen (Rebirthing), Reinigung mit den 5 Elementen, Selbsterfahrung und ganzheitliche Heilung!


Programm   2008


Wir haben Ideen, Lebensfreude und Erfahrung!

Atem- und Lebenszentrum Klaswipper


Wir sind spezialisiert auf Gesundheit,

auf die Aktivierung von geistiger, körperlicher und seelischer Selbstheilung,

 & auf die Erlangung von Wohlstand, Glück und Erfolg!



♥   Neu!!!    Rückführung  in vergangene Leben mit Heike

Gesprächskreis mit geführten Meditationen 1-2.11.2008



♥   Neu!!!    Bessere Beziehungen durch gewaltfreie Kommunikation

Wir lernen über Störungen in der Kommunikation, und wie wir unsere  Bedürfnisse so ausdrücken können, dass sie gehört werden und sich erfüllen, & wie auch wir lernen den Bedürfnissen anderer zuzuhören und sie zu achten!       mit Heike

 23-24.08.        10-17.Uhr


♥Familienaufstellung mit Heike

.   So 26.10      10–18 Uhr             eigene Aufstellung  130 €

♥Gute Sicht ohne Brille mit Heike

Auf natürliche Weise wieder gut sehen nach der Dr. Bates Methode

 25.10     10 – 18 Uhr     65 €

Termine nach Vereinbarung mit unserem Team des Atem- und Lebenszentrums Klaswipper:

Bewusstes Energieatmen

Einzelsitzungen nach Terminabsprache mit unseren Atemlehrern

Atem Training und Ausbildung zum Atemlehrer mit Heike

 Bitte zusätzliche Information anfordern

Training für bewusstes Energieatmen und energetische Reinigung

♥7-tägiges Atemtraining

Wir lernen die Technik des bewussten, intuitiven Atmens. Die Praktiken mit Erde, Feuer, Luft und Wasser werden unterstützt durch die bewusste Benutzung unseres Verstandes, und Zielsetzungen für unser Leben!

7.–13.4 ‚Selbstheilung durch Atmen’

♥Training mit Leonard Orr und Heike Strombach  30.08. - 07. 09. 2008

weitere Infos auf unserer Website

Ganzheitliche Schwangerschaftsbegleitung


Bewusstes Atmen für Säuglinge & Kleinkinder  Informationsgespräch mit Heike  28.2. 19 Uhr Anleitung für Eltern

♥Das Einjahresseminar   

Zum Einjahresseminar trifft sich eine Gruppe von Menschen, regelmäßig einen Tag im Monat zu einem gemeinsamen gedanklichen Austausch und zu Atemsitzungen. 12.4../3.5./ 10– 18/ 54 €

Feuerzeremonie   6.9.     9 Uhr



 nach Terminabsprache

♥Klientelaufbau einfach gemacht   24.07   10-17 Uhr         54

♥kreatives Denken & erfolgreiche Lebensplanung           



Einweihung in den  1.  Grad  130   

mit Tobias  und Heike  

 Einweihung 2. Grad Termine erfragen  220 €      

Kinderreiki  mit Tobias  und Heike Einführung 1..Grad 14+15.2. 14.–16.30  Uhr

Reiki-Meisterausbildung mit Heike individuell nach Terminabsprache

Aarati / Mantra- Singen♫♫

Mittwochss 19.00  / kostenlos

Mittwochstreff  jeden Mittwoch 18Uhr

Gedankenaustausch und Informationen für alle Atemfreunde! mit Heike!        kostenlos

Wir bieten verschiedene Formen der Massagen an.

Bitte Informieren Sie sich bei uns!

Petra Kriening     Tel. 02207/8470731 oder 0171/4019575

Erzieherin & Atemlehrerin & Orion theta Healing, Wohlfühlmassagen für Frauen ♀,

Engelarbeit für Kinder & Erwachsene

Tobias Baehr       Tel. 02195/599859

oder  02192/6648       tobias-baehr@web.de

Krankenpfleger/ Praxisanleiter & Atemlehrer & Reikimeister Behandlungen  für Körper & Seele,

Beratungen nach Kipperkarten und Pendel


♥Heike Strombach

Das Atem- und Lebenszentrums steht unter der Leitung von Heike Strombach

Altenpflegerin & Unterrichtskraft, mit langjähriger Erfahrung in Geriatrie & Psychiatrie,

Atemlehrerin/Rebirtherin & Reikimeisterin. Arbeitet und studiert seit 1991 mit Leonard Orr, dem Begründer von Rebirthing.

1993 entstand das Atem- und Lebenszentrum!


Wir leben, was wir lehren!

Klaswipper 30,    51688 Wipperfürth

Telefon/Fax: 02269 / 528

Heikestrombach @ yahoo.com




Wir verwehren niemandem unsere Dienstleistungen aus Mangel an Geld!


So erreichen Sie uns:

 Klaswipper liegt an der B 237 zwischen Marienheide und Wipperfürth,

 im Oberbergischen Kreis , 45 km östlich von Köln





Information Heike Strombach

Rebirth International  e.V.         Klaswipper 30            51688 Wipperfürth                      Tel/Fax 02269/528                    heikestrombach@yahoo.com



Advanced payments to register made out to:

 Heike Strombach     –     Postbank Dortmund

                            BLZ 440 100  46      Konto Nr.: 652 036 464


Please bring sleeping bag, flashlight, warm rain clothe and shoes


Ausbildung: "Integrativer Atem- und Meditationslehrer"

mit Lamia Hariri und Ralf Lieder

Integrative Atemarbeit (auch "Rebirthing" oder "Breathwork" genannt) ist eine spezielle Atemtechnik (bewusstes Kreisatmen), bei der man ähnlich entspannt, verbunden und umfassend atmet, wie es die meisten Leute im Tiefschlaf tun. Dieses Atemmuster löst körperlich und seelisch einen natürlichen Reinigungsprozess aus. Die Kombination von tiefer Entspannung, Offenheit von Körper und Geist und einem erhöhten Sauerstoff- und Energieangebot kann die Blockaden lösen, die den natürlichen Kreislauf in unserem Körper behindern. Gleichzeitig führt die integrative Atemarbeit zu einer tiefen Entspannung und Meditation.


Die Atemtechnik bei der integrativen Atemarbeit hat sich als wirkungsvoll erwiesen, wenn es darum geht, wieder Zugang zu alten Erinnerungen und verdrängten frühkindlichen Erfahrungen zu finden. Bevor unser Gehirn voll entwickelt war, wurden Erfahrungen als physische Empfindungen in verschiedenen Zellen unseres Körpers registriert und gespeichert. Diese sehr frühen Erinnerungen sind unserem Verstand nicht zugänglich, denn sie haben sich nicht unserem Gehirn eingeprägt, sondern nur den jeweiligen Körperteilen, die an der ursprünglichen Erfahrung beteiligt waren. Jeder Gedanke und jedes Gefühl stellt eine Form von Energie dar  und kann durch den Atem wieder reaktiviert und erfahrbar gemacht werden.

Erreicht wird diese Stimulation durch kreisförmiges Atmen in vollkommener Entspannung. Sie ermöglicht es den blockierten Erinnerungen, wieder an die Oberfläche zu kommen.

Solche blockierten Erinnerungen sind mit Ereignissen verknüpft, die aus irgendeinem Grund nicht verarbeitet und integriert werden konnten; sie wurden einfach ins Unbewusste verdrängt. Mit der integrativen Atemarbeit können diese Blockaden gelöst, mit unserem heutigen Bewusstsein verarbeitet und anschließend integriert werden, so dass sie uns in unserem vollen Lebensausdruck nicht mehr behindern.

Die Ausbildung

Die Ausbildung ist ein Trainingsprogramm über sechs Einheiten (Wochenenden und 4-Tages-Trainings), in dem alle Aspekte der Integrativen Atemtherapie (nach Tilke Plateel-Deur und Hans Mensink), sowie dem Rebirthing (nach Leonard Orr) gelehrt werden - angefangen mit der Entstehungsgeschichte, der Entwicklung bis heute und den Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für alle Kulturen und Religionen.
Neben der Lebensphilosophie Rebirthing und Integrativer Atemtherapie werden auch Techniken aus anderen alternativen Heilmethoden wie verschiedene Meditations-, und Entspannungsmethoden, Time-Line, Mentalfeld-Technik, Voice Dialogue sowie Gesprächsmethoden gelehrt.
Das individuelle Wachstum und der eigene Heilungsprozess stehen bei der gesamten Ausbildung im Vordergrund und bilden die Grundlage für eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung des Gelernten in die Praxis.

Einzelne Wochenenden können auch von Interessenten gebucht werden, die nicht an der gesamten Ausbildung teilnehmen. Für Teilnehmer, die später therapeutisch arbeiten möchten, ist diese Ausbildung die ideale Basis für eine Ausbildung zum Heilpraktiker (Psychotherapie) oder der dreijährigen Ausbildung zum Ganzheitlich Integrativen Atemtherapeuten bei Tilke Plateel-Deur und Hans Mensink (unsere Absolventen haben die Möglichkeit, direkt ins zweite Ausbildungsjahr einzusteigen).

Jedes Wochenende ist einem speziellen Thema gewidmet. Dadurch ist es möglich, jederzeit in die Ausbildung einzusteigen oder ein Probewochenende zu absolvieren. Das Zertifikat "Integrativer Atem- und Meditationslehrer/in" wird nach Absolvierung aller Module ausgestellt. Die Vermittlung der Atemtechniken erfolgt individuell nach Vorkenntnissen und Zeitpunkt des Einstiegs in das Programm.

Start der neuen Ausbildung 2008:

01. - 04.05.2008: Atemtherapie & Reinigungstechniken: Spirituelle Reinigungstechniken mit Erde, Feuer, Luft und Wasser. Der Verstand. Erfolg auf allen Ebenen des Lebens. Persönliche Ziele. Begleitung von Atemsitzungen.
17. - 18.05.2008: Selbstwert-Training & Reichtumsbewußtsein: Selbstwert-Training. Mentalfeldtechnik. Auflösung von negativen Mustern. Voice Dialogue, Reichtumsbewusstsein. Selbstverantwortung.
15.-17.08.2008: Der Werkzeugkasten für Atemtherapeuten: Vorbereitung einer Atemsitzung. Erstgespräch. Aufbau einer Sitzung. Abschluss einer Sitzung. Weitere Begleitung des Klienten. Hausaufgaben.
19.-21.09.2008: Beziehungen & Warmwasserrebirthing: Klärung und Heilung von Beziehungen aller Art. Vergebung. Die Beziehung zu meinem Körper und meiner Sexualität. Warmwasser-Sitzungen.
17.-19.10.2008: Alternative Heilmethoden: Anwenden von alternativen Heilmethoden wie Kristallheilen, Lotusatmung, Energiemassagen, TimeLine. Feuerzeremonien. Heilendes Schweigen und Fasten.
07.-09.11.2008: Meditation & Energiearbeit: Mantra Yoga und Gebete. Psychosomatik. Kommunikation und Kooperation. Meditation. Inneres Kind. Fremdenergien. Engelarbeit. Zertifikatsverteilung.

Die Zielgruppen
Die Ausbildung richtet sich an folgende Zielgruppen:
- Heilpraktiker, Ärzte, Masseure und andere Therapeuten, die bereits praktizieren und die integrative Atemarbeit als zusätzliche Methode erlernen und anwenden möchten
- Interessenten an der integrativen Atemarbeit, die die Grundlagen erlernen und als Selbsterfahrungsmethode anwenden möchten. Für Teilnehmer, die später therapeutisch arbeiten möchten, ist diese Ausbildung die ideale Basis für eine Ausbildung zum Heilpraktiker (Psychotherapie) oder der dreijährigen Ausbildung zum Ganzheitlich Integrativen Atemtherapeuten (unsere Absolventen haben die Möglichkeit, direkt ins zweite Ausbildungsjahr einzusteigen)
- Personen, die an einem intensiven Prozess der Selbsterfahrung und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung teilnehmen möchten und die Integrative Atemarbeit nur für sich selbst erleben möchten.

Teilnahmebedingung für die gesamte Ausbildung:
Mindestens 10 Atemsitzungen mit einem von uns anerkannten Atemtherapeuten/Rebirther

Teilnahmebedingung für einzelne Wochenenden: Keine

1551,- Euro zzgl. 19% MwSt für die gesamte Ausbildung; Anzahlung von 250,- Euro erforderlich bei Anmeldung, Restzahlung bei Seminarbeginn. Ratenzahlung kann verhandelt werden.
Oder pro Wochenende wie unten angegeben.
Kosten für Unterbringung und Verpflegung werden separat abgerechnet. Für die Verpflegung mittags ist ein Buffet vorgesehen, an dem sich alle Teilnehmer nach Absprache beteiligen.

01.-04.05.2008 (479,- Euro)  
17.-18.05.2008 (239,- Euro)  
15.-17.08.2008 (359,- Euro) (Beginn 10:00)
19.-21.09.2008 (249,- Euro)
17.-19.10.2008 (249,- Euro)
07.-09.11.2008 (249,- Euro)
(alle Preise gelten jeweils zuzüglich gesetzl. MwSt.)

Beginn: jeweils am Freitagabend 19.30-21.30 Uhr
Samstag 10.00 Uhr - Ende offen
Sonntag 10.00-16.00 Uhr
Im Mai ist Beginn am Donnerstag, Freitag und Samstag um 10.00 Uhr mit offenem Ende und Sonntag von 10.00-16.00 Uhr. Im August Freitag, Samstag und Sonntag 10:00 Uhr. Eintreffen ist jeweils 30 min vor Seminarbeginn

Die Ausbildung findet im Seminarzentrum House of Health in Krefeld statt. Neben den komfortabel ausgestatteten Seminarräumen, stehen auch eine Sauna, ein mobiles Wasserbecken und eine Feuerstelle zur Verfügung. Im Zentrum kann auch Übernachtet werden, Schlafsäcke etc. müssen mitgebracht werden, Matten sind vorhanden. Duschen und Toiletten sind ausreichend vorhanden.

Anmeldung und weitere Informationen:

House of Health
Lamia Hariri

Wilhelmshofallee 114
47800 Krefeld
Tel. 02151 / 789900

oder unter http://www.therapeuten.de




Rebirth International

Rebirthing breathwork training for personal growth and transformation

Living our natural divinity to our fullest capacity

with Heike Strombach


for everyone interested in breathwork and spiritual growth

spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical  healing through spiritual purification

We will learn about

·        The Art of conscious energy breathing / Rebirthing

·        Spiritual purification practices with the elements

·         water :  cold and warmwater rebirthing

·         fire: fire ceremonies /Panchagni/

·        earth: movement, simple yoga excercises, physical cleanses(t Shankar Prakshalan), healthy nutrition, fasting,

·        mind mastery: Technic of affirmations,, Mantra Yoga –personal law,

creating divine order in our life, healing the unconscious death urge, the 8 biggies of human trauma, communication with God, counseling, goal claiming and achievement

·        Love, sexuality, relationship, partnership

·        Healing presence

·        Studies of holy scriptures(the Bibel, Shiva Purana, Bhagavat Gita a.a.)

·        Prosperity consciousness, self worth, professional success

·        Successful self employment, public relation, clientell building

·        Cooperation, competition / dependency/  healing sibling rivalry

·        Healing of the inner child of the past

·        Different healing tecnics

·        Spiritual enlightenment

·        Understanding family structure

·        Visionquest

·        Stress mangaement

·        Physical immortality : physical, mental and imotional health

·        Rebirth International, Klaswipper 30, 51688 Wipperfürth, Tel/Fax 02269/528

Heikestrombach @yahoo.com

www.rebirthinternational.de     www.leonardorr.de

Dates: January 14th – 20th, February 20th -24th,, April 2nd  – 6th,              

April 30th – 4th  of May, August, 3rd  -10th and September24th -28th